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Ratings provide a visual representation of a country’s performance on the indicator.


Click on a country to see its performance.

SDG achieved

Challenges remain

Significant challenges remain

Major challenges remain

Information unavailable


Measures whether the government respects the property rights of people and corporations, refrains from the illegal seizure of private property, and provides adequate compensation when property is legally expropriated.

Long-Term Objective

Average of best performers

The long-term objective for this indicator is a value of 0.9.


World Justice Project

Select one of the SDGs to see it on the map or display the overall scores

All data presented on this website are based on the publication Sachs, J.D., Lafortune, G., Fuller, G., Drumm, E. (2023). Implementing the SDG Stimulus. Sustainable Development Report 2023. Paris: SDSN, Dublin: Dublin University Press, 2023. 10.25546/102924

Expropriations are lawful and adequately compensated